Monday, March 31, 2025

Short Course on Methods in Ethnoecology

Suggested Additional Course Readings

This page lists recommended readings related to the course. Please see the schedule for a day-by-day view of assigned readings and suggestions for further reading


Agelet, A., and J. Valles. 2001. Studies on Pharmaceutical Ethnobotany in the Region of Pallars (Pyrenees, Catalonia, Iberian Peninsula). Part I. General Results and New Or Very Rare Medicinal Plants. Journal of ethnopharmacology 77(1): 57-70.

Albuquerque, U., R. Lucena, J. Monteiro, A. Florentino, and C. Almeida. 2006. Evaluating two quantitative ethnobotanical techniques. Ethnobotany research & applications 4:51-60.

Arellano, E., and A. Casas. 2003. Morphological Variation and Domestication of Escontria Chiotilla (Cactaceae) Under Silvicultural Management in the Tehuacán Valley, Central Mexico. Genetic resources and crop evolution 50(4): 439-53.

Bourdy, G., S. Dewalt, L. Chávez De Michel, A. Roca, E. Deharo, V. Muñoz, L. Balderrama, C. Quenevo, and A. Gimenez. 2000. Medicinal Plants Uses of the Tacana, an Amazonian Bolivian Ethnic Group. Journal of ethnopharmacology 70(2): 87-110.

Buenz, E. 2005. Country Development Does Not Presuppose the Loss of Forest Resources for Traditional Medicine Use. Journal of ethnopharmacology 100(1-2): 118-23.

Byg, A., and H. Balslev. 2001 Diversity and Use of Palms in Zahamena, Eastern Madagascar. Biodiversity and Conservation 10(6): 951-70.

C.F.C.B.R. de Almeida, T. de Lima e Silva, E.L.C de Amorim, M.B de S. Maia, U.P. de Albuquerque 2005. Life Strategy and Chemical Composition as Predictors of the Selection of Medicinal Plants From the Caatinga (Northeast Brazil). Journal of arid environments 62(1): 127-42.

Canales, M., T. Hernández, J. Caballero, A. Vivar, G. Avila, A. Duran, and R. Lira. 2005. Informant Consensus Factor and Antibacterial Activity of the Medicinal Plants Used By the People of San Rafael Coxcatlán, Puebla, México. Journal of ethnopharmacology 97(3): 429-39.

Carmona, A., and A. Casas. 2005. Management, Phenotypic Patterns and Domestication of Polaskia Chichipe (Cactaceae) in the Tehuacán Valley, Central Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 60(1): 115-32.

Casas, A., J. Caballero, A. Valiente-Banuet, J. Soriano, and P. Davila. 1999. Morphological Variation and the Process of Domestication of Stenocereus Stellatus (Cactaceae) in Central Mexico. American Journal of Botany 86(4): 522.

Casas, A., J. Cruse-Sanders, E. Morales, A. Otero-Arnaiz, and A. Valiente-Banuet. 2006. Maintenance of Phenotypic and Genotypic Diversity in Managed Populations of Stenocereus Stellatus (Cactaceae) By Indigenous Peoples in Central Mexico. Biodiversity and Conservation 15(3): 879-98.

Ceccarelli, S., S. Grando, M. Singh, M. Michael, A. Shikho, M. Al Issa, A. Al Saleh, G. Kaleonjy, S. Al Ghanem, and A. Al Hasan. 2003. A Methodological Study on Participatory Barley Breeding Ii. Response to Selection. Euphytica 133(2): 185-200.

Coomes, O., and N. Ban. 2004. Cultivated Plant Species Diversity in Home Gardens of an Amazonian Peasant Village in Northeastern Peru. Economic Botany 58(3): 420-34.

Corlett, J., E. Dean, and L. Grivetti. 2003. Hmong Gardens: Botanical Diversity in an Urban Setting. Economic Botany 57(3): 365-79.

Finerman, R., and R. Sackett. 2003. Using Home Gardens to Decipher Health and Healing in the Andes. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 17(4): 459-82.

García-Serrano, C., and J. Del Monte. 2004. The Use of Tropical Forest (Agroecosystems and Wild Plant Harvesting) as a Source of Food in the Bribri and Cabecar Cultures in the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. Economic Botany 58(1): 58-71.

Guzmán, F., H. Ayala, C. Azurdia, M. Duque, and M. De Vicente. 2005. AFLP Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Capsicum Genetic Resources in Guatemala: Home Gardens as an Option for Conservation. Crop Science 45(1): 363.

Kehlenbeck, K., and B. Maass. 2004. Crop Diversity and Classification of Homegardens in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems 63(1): 53-62.

Lacy, S., D. Cleveland, and D. Soleri. 2006. Farmer Choice of Sorghum Varieties in Southern Mali. Hum Ecol 34(3): 331-53.

Major, J., C. Clement, and A. Ditommaso. 2005. Influence of Market Orientation on Food Plant Diversity of Farms Located on Amazonian Dark Earth in the Region of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Economic Botany 59(1): 77-86.

Oliveira da Silva, A., and U. Albuquerque. 2005. Woody Medicinal Plants of the Caatinga in the State of Pernambuco (Northeast Brazil). Acta Botanica Brasilica 1917-26.

Otero-Arnaiz, A., A. Casas, J. Hamrick, and J. Cruse-Sanders. 2005. Genetic Variation and Evolution of Polaskia Chichipe (Cactaceae) Under Domestication in the Tehuacán Valley, Central Mexico. Molecular Ecology 14(6): 1603-11.

Peroni, N., and N. Hanazaki. 2002. Current and Lost Diversity of Cultivated Varieties, Especially Cassava, Under Swidden Cultivation Systems in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 92(2-3): 171-83.

Peters, C., S. Purata, M. Chibnik, B. Brosi, A. Lopez, and M. Ambrosio. 2003. The Life and Times of Bursera Glabrifolia (Hbk) Engl. In Mexico: A Parable for Ethnobotany. Economic Botany 57(4): 431-41.

Staub, J., F. Serquen, and J. Mccreight. 1997. Genetic Diversity in Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.): Iii. An Evaluation of Indian Germplasm. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 44(4): 315-26.

Tinoco, A., A. Casas, R. Luna, and K. Oyama. 2005. Population Genetics of Escontria Chiotilla in Wild and Silvicultural Managed Populations in the Tehuacan Valley, Central Mexico. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 52(5): 525-38.

Whitney, G., and S. Adams. 1980. Man as a Maker of New Plant Communities. Journal of Applied Ecology 17(2): 431-48.

Recommended Reference Texts

Alexiades, M.N. 1996. Selected Guidelines for Ethnobotanical Research: A Field Manual. New York, The New York Botanical Garden.

Bernard, H.R. 2006. Research Methods in Anthropology , 4 th ed. Lanham: Altamira Press.

Magurran, A.E. 2004. Measuring Biological Diversity. Malden: Blackwell.

Martin, G. 2002 (1995). Ethnobotany. London, Earthscan.

Sheil, D., R.K. Pur i et al. 2002. Exploring biological diversity, environment and local people’s perspectives in forest landscapes: Methods for a multidisciplinary landscape assessment. Jakarta: Center for International Forestry Research

Weller, S.C. & A.K. Romney. 1988. Systematic Data Collection. Newbury Park, CA, Sage Publications.

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