Tuesday, March 25, 2025


QualQuant is a site dedicated to social research methods—qualitative and quantitative alike. It’s grounded in a simple idea expressed by H. Russell Bernard in his introduction to the Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology (1998):

Whatever our epistemological differences, the actual methods by which we collect and analyze our data belong to everyone across the social sciences.

We believe that social researchers should be fluent in the full range of methods for collecting and analyzing data. The questions we ask, rather than ideological commitments, drive the choice of one method over another in any particular situation. This website aims to help researchers choose the right tools, emphasizing the integration and complementary applications of qualitative and quantitative data and analysis.

The site was first developed by Lance Gravlee and David Kennedy in 2002, while we were finishing our PhDs in anthropology at the University of Florida. It is now maintained by Angelina Howell, Lance Gravlee, and H. Russell Bernard to support NSF-funded training opportunities in methods for cultural anthropologists.