Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Methods Mall

Welcome to the Methods Mall—a one-stop shop for training opportunities in research methods in the social sciences.

          • Short Course on Research Design
            Now in its fourth year, the Summer Course on Grantwriting (SCG) is a five-day course on research design and proposal writing for social, behavioral, and economic scientists who have the Ph.D. Members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. The course runs from May 21-25, 2018 at the University of Mississippi, in Oxford, MS. Instructors: Kirk Johnson, Willa Johnson, and John Sonnett (Univ. of Mississippi), and Jeffrey Johnson and Christopher McCarty (Univ. of Florida).

          • Distance Learning Courses in Research Methods

            Distance Courses in Research Methods

            The University of Florida offers online courses on text analysis, geospatial analysis, and cultural domain analysis. The courses are offered through the Department of Anthropology, but will be of interest to students and colleagues across the social and behavioral sciences. The distance learning courses carry graduate credit and are open to upper division undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals. For more information, including syllabi and application forms, visit Distance Learning at UF.

            Courses for Summer 2018

            Summer A, courses run from May 14 – June 22

            ANG 5488: Geospatial Analysis in Cultural Anthropology
            Instructor: Tracy Van Holt and Eduardo Brondizio

            Summer B, course run from July 2 – August 10

            ANG6481: Research Methods in Cognitive Anthropology — Cultural Domain Analysis
            Instructors: Rosalyn Negron, H. Russell Bernard, and Clarence Gravlee

            ANG 5494: Text Analysis in Cultural Anthropology
            Instructors: Melissa Beresford and Amber Wutich

            Registration will open HERE for these courses April 2nd, 2018. These courses are open to graduate students and upper-division undergraduate students, to professors and to practicing anthropologists and other social scientists. The courses each carry three graduate credits at the University of Florida, but may be taken without credit. The cost of each course is the same to all participants.


            The cost for each course is $1,200.00, plus a $39.96 fee per course. Enrollment in these courses is limited to 20 participants.