Tuesday, March 25, 2025


This page lists the required readings and tutorials for the course. Please see the schedule for a day-by-day view of assigned readings and suggestions for further reading.


Bolstad, P. 2005. Basic Spatial Analyses. In Gis Fundamentals, a First Text on Geographic Information Systems. Pp. 225-66. St. Paul, MN: Eider Press.

Brondizio, E., and R. R. Chowdhury. Forthcoming. Spatial-Temporal Methodologies in Environmental Anthropology: Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Landscape Changes and Local Knowledge. In Environmental Anthropology: Methodologies and Research Design. I. Vaccaro, E. A. Smith, and S. Aswani, eds. Pp. 1-31. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

Dana, Peter H. The Geographer’s Craft Project, Department of Geography, The University of Colorado at Boulder. Geodetic Datum Overview. Coordinate Systems. Map Projections.

ESRI Map Projections and Coordinate Systems Help File Tab

Green, G. M., C. M. Schweik, and J. Randolph. 2005. Linking Disciplines Across Space and Time: Useful Concepts and Approaches for Land-Cover Change Studies. In Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Human-Environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems. E. F. Moran, and E. Ostrom, eds. Pp. 61-80. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.


ESRI Getting Started with GIS Tutorial.

Recommended Textbooks

This list of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) textbooks are classics used in many introductory GIS and remote sensing courses (these books are in their 2nd or 3rd edition). Included are descriptions of the book and links to obtain desk copies or samples of the book. ESRI (the company that creates the GIS software that we will be using) is launching ArcGIS 10 in June and will launch an updated series of books for ArcGIS 10. I’ve listed the updated references here. If you request a desk copy of the ESRI GIS books now, you will get the earlier edition of the book (for ArcGIS 9). You may want to wait until ArcGIS 10 gets released before requesting these books. There are many other textbooks out there, but with these key resources, you will be ready to take your training to the next level.

Remote Sensing Books

Jensen, J.R. 2006. Remote Sensing of the Environment: An earth resource perspective, 2nd edition. Prentice Hall**

This book introduces the principles of remote sensing from an Earth resource perspective. It describes a) the fundamental characteristics of electromagnetic radiation and how the energy interacts with Earth materials such as vegetation, water, soil and rock, b) how the energy reflected or emitted from these materials is recorded using a variety of remote sensing instruments (e.g., cameras, multispectral scanners, hyperspectral instruments, RADAR), and c) how we can extract fundamental biophysical or land use/land cover information from the remote sensor data. The history of remote sensing, the principles of visual photo-interpretation, and photogrammetry are also presented. Application chapters focus on remote sensing of vegetation, water, urban land use, and soil/rock and geomorphic features. Click for a sample copy. Also figures are available for teaching.

Jensen, J. (2004). Introductory digital image processing: A remote sensing perspective, 3rd edition. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall.

For junior/graduate-level courses in Remote Sensing in Geography, Geology, Forestry, and Biology. This book focuses on digital image processing of aircraft- and satellite-derived, remotely sensed data for Earth resource management applications. Extensively illustrated, it explains how to extract biophysical information from remote sensor data for almost all multidisciplinary land-based environmental projects. Click for a sample copy. Also figures are available for teaching.

GIS Books General

Bolstad, P. 2005. GIS Fundamentals. A first text in Geographic Information Systems, 3rd edition. White Bear Lake, Minnesota: Eider Press.**

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computer-based tools for the entry, maintenance, and analysis of spatially-referenced data. GIS are critical to the effective management of constructed and natural resources, and they have been applied in science, business, education, and government to improve our lives. This book provides a thorough introduction to the theory and application of GIS. The book is written for use as a textbook in an introductory course at the university level. It seeks to balance theoretical and applied material, so that students may apply knowledge of GIS in the solution of real-world problems. Topics include an introduction to GIS, spatial data models, map projections and coordinate systems, data entry, aerial photographs and satellite images, GPS, digital data, relational and other databases, vector and raster spatial analyses, terrain modeling, interpolation, cartographic modeling, metadata, standards, accuracy assessments, and a description of future trends. Request a desk copy. Also figures are available for teaching.

GIS Books from ESRI

Ornsby, T., Napoleon, E.J., Burke, R., Groessl, C., and L. Bowde. 2010. Getting to Know ArcGIS. The Basics of ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo Updated for ArcGIS 10, 3rd edition. Redlands: ESRI press.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are computer-based tools for the entry, maintenance, and analysis of spatially-referenced data. GIS are critical to the effective management of constructed and natural resources, and they have been applied in science, business, education, and government to improve our lives. This book provides a thorough introduction to the theory and application of GIS. The book is written for use as a textbook in an introductory course at the university level. It seeks to balance theoretical and applied material, so that students may apply knowledge of GIS in the solution of real-world problems. Topics include an introduction to GIS, spatial data models, map projections and coordinate systems, data entry, aerial photographs and satellite images, GPS, digital data, relational and other databases, vector and raster spatial analyses, terrain modeling, interpolation, cartographic modeling, metadata, standards, accuracy assessments, and a description of future trends. Request a desk copy.

Gorr, W.L., and K.S. Kurland. 2010. GIS Tutorial I: Workbook for ArcView 10, (with teacher resource DVD), 3rd edition, Redlands: ESRI Press.

Updated for ArcView 9.3, GIS Tutorial: Workbook for ArcView 9, Third Edition, provides effective GIS training in an easy-to-follow format. By combining ArcGIS tutorials with self-study exercises intended to gradually build on basic skills, GIS Tutorial is fully adaptable to individual needs as well as classroom settings. In addition to the range of GIS functionality covered by its predecessors, the third edition of this best-selling workbook features two new tutorial chapters that utilize 3D Analyst and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst applications. Request a desk copy. Teacher resources are available.

Allen, D. 2010. GIS Tutorial II: Spatial Analysis Workbook (with teacher resource DVD), 2nd edition. Redlands: ESRI Press.

GIS Tutorial II: Spatial Analysis Workbook offers hands-on exercises to help GIS users at the intermediate level continue to build their problem-solving and analysis skills. Inspired by The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis book series by Andy Mitchell, GIS Tutorial II provides a practical format for GIS users to develop proficiency in various spatial analysis methods, including classification; assessment of quantities and densities; location analysis; change over time, location, and value comparisons; geographic distribution; pattern analysis; and cluster identification. Request a desk copy.