Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Systematic Techniques for Gathering & Analyzing Video Data
Duke Marine Labs, Beaufort, NC, July 30-Aug 3, 2012

Liz Cartwright and Jerome Crowder

Course Schedule for 2012 (9am-5pm)

Monday Morning

  • Introductions and class overview
  • What does it mean to do systematic analysis?
    • Demo on short clips; practice with applications
    • Discussion on types of films for analysis
  • Compare film with text analysis (hyperresearch)
  • Introduction to HyperResearch and HyperTranscribe:
    • Basic coding of text
    • Basic coding of video segments
    • Relational queries between video segments
    • Relational queries between video and audio segments
    • Establishing code criteria via Boolean logic (Cinderella exercise)
    • Hypothesis testing

    Monday Afternoon

  • From ethnographic films to ethnographic research (illustration vs. data)
    • Where filming fits into the anthropological research process
  • The Still Camera:
    • Shoot for the cut
    • Multiple methods using still photography
    • Photo elicitation
    • Digital storytelling
  • Basic settings for prosumer video cameras
    • Practice with cameras

    Tuesday Morning

      1. Ethics of picture “taking”:

    • Consents and Human Subjects
    • Public vs. private spaces
      2. Shooting Systematically:

    • Storyboarding–incorporating the storyboard into planning your work
    • Practice shooting a sequence-class shoot
    • Review footage

    Tuesday Afternoon

  • Visualizing concepts & slowing down our “looking”
  • Hands-on practice with cameras to shoot footage for practice analysis:
    • Discussion about what it means to “see” something
    • How do we best capture behavior for analysis?
  • Explaining the internal logic of a cultural phenomenon:
    • Excerpt from Learning To Make Tortillas -Liz Cartwright
    • Shoot for the cut
    • In-camera edited short-4 teams
    • Planning/storyboarding/thinking it through
    • Shoot actions and review footage

    Wednesday Morning

    • Shoot on location in town
    • Review footage

    Wednesday Afternoon

      Theory workshop—Refer to suggested readings list for the class. We’ll break into small groups and work on creatively thinking through how to design visual data gathering methods and strategies that can advance some of these basic anthropological theories (e.g. stigma, racism, embodiment, acculturation, affect, etc..) The readings should inspire your research imaginations…they are just a beginning point for discussions.

    Thursday Morning

      1. Audio-Microphones

    • Types of speech acts that can be captured-interviews vs. naturally occurring speech acts
    • Giving back versions—making it useful
    • Manipulation in post-production—creating new speech acts
      2. Interviewing techniques on camera

    • Basic do’s and don’ts
    • Microphones and micing an interview
    • Practice setting up and conducting interviews and focus groups
      3. Non-linear digital editing basics

    • Log and capture own footage
    • Timeline basics
    • Preparing video clips for analysis programs

    Thursday Afternoon

    • Presentation by Noldus software team of the Observer XT program and new remote data gathering tools.

    Friday Morning

    • Work as teams on final class video analysis projects

    Friday Afternoon

    • Presentation of final class projects

    The following readings are suggested background reading for our SCRM course. Each section is meant to give you some ideas about how to visually conceptualize an anthropological theory.

    Please note that you must register and log in before you can download readings (there is a Login box on the right side of this page with a register link). Also note that some linked reading files are quite large and may take a minute or two to download in your browser window.

    Visualizing Theory-Discussion #1 Seeing (Racism, stigma, gestures)

    Bernard, H. Russell (2011) Chapter 14, Direct and Indirect Observation. In Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.

    Crowder, J (2007). Aymara Migrants in El Alto, Bolivia: a Photographic Essay. Research in Urban Sociology 8, 181-195.

    Enfield, N J, Sotaro Kita, and J P de Ruiter (2007). Primary and Secondary Pragmatic Functions of Pointing Gestures. Journal of Pragmatics 39(10), 1722-1741.

    Finlay, WML, C. Antaki, and C. Walton (2007). On Not Being Noticed: Intellectual Disabilities and the Nonvocal Register. Journal Information 45(4), 227-245.

    Goodwin, C. (2000). Vision. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9(1-2), 267-270.

    Gravlee, C C (2005). Ethnic Classification in Southeastern Puerto Rico: the Cultural Model of “Color.” Social Forces 83(3), 949-970.

    Suchar, C.S. (1997). Grounding Visual Sociology Research in Shooting Scripts. Qualitative Sociology 20(1), 33-55.

    Visualizing Theory Discussion #2 Touching (Embodiment)

    Archer, D. (1997). Unspoken Diversity: Cultural Differences in Gestures. Qualitative Sociology 20(1), 79-105.

    Nishizaka, Aug (2007). Hand Touching Hand: Referential Practice at a Japanese Midwife House. Human Studies 30(3), 199-217.

    Radke-Yarrow, M., E. Nottelmann, B. Belmont, and J.D. Welsh (1993). Affective Interactions of Depressed and Nondepressed Mothers and Their Children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 21(6), 683-695.

    Rose, M. (1999). “Our Hands Will Know”: the Development of Tactile Diagnostic Skill—Teaching, Learning, and Situated Cognition in a Physical Therapy Program. Anthropology & Education Quarterly 30(2), 133-160.

    Visualizing Theory Discussion #3 Participation, Acculturation, Habitus, Excerpt from The Lifeflight Ventilator Project -Liz Cartwright and Mark Romero

    Goodwin, M.H. (2000). Participation. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9(1), 177-180.

    Goodwin, M.H. (2007). Participation and Embodied Action in Preadolescent Girls’ Assessment Activity. Research on Language and Social Interaction 40(4), 353-375.

    Mackenzie, Colin F., Yan Xiao, and Richard Horst (2004). Video Task Analysis in High Performance Teams. Cognition, Technology & Work 6(3), 139-147.

    Thornquist, E (1997). Three Voices in a Norwegian Living Room: an Encounter From Physiotherapy Practice. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 11(3), 324-351.

    Visualizing Theory Discussion #4 Affect (Emotion)

    Goodwin, C. (2000). Vision. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 9(1-2), 267-270.

    Kochanska, G, and M. Radke-Yarrow (1992). Inhibition in Toddlerhood and the Dynamics of the Child’s Interaction with an Unfamiliar Peer at Age Five. Child Development 63(2), 325-335.

    Visualizing Theory Discussion #5 Combining various levels/foci of analysis

    Crasborn, O., H. Sloetjes, E. Auer, and P. Wittenburg (2006). Combining Video and Numeric Data in the Analysis of Sign Languages Within the ELAN Annotation Software. Proc. LREC 2006 Workshop on Representation & Processing of Sign Languages. 82-87

    Jules-Rosette, B, C McVey, and M Arbitrario (2002). Performance Ethnography: the Theory and Method of Dual Tracking. Field Methods 14(2), 123-147.

    Shrum, Wesley, Ricardo Duque, and Marcus Ynalvez (2007). Lessons of the Lower Ninth: Methodology and Epistemology of Video Ethnography. Technology in Society 29(2), 215-225.

    Other Suggested Reading

    Dent, Elizabeth, Rhonda Brown, Sharon Dowsett, Martin Tattersall, and Phyllis Butow (2005). The Cancode Interaction Analysis System in the Oncological Setting: Reliability and Validity of Video and Audio Tape Coding. Patient Education and Counseling 56(1), 35-44.

    Miller, J, K. Vine, and D. Larkin (2007). The Relationship of Process and Product Performance of the Two-Handed Sidearm Strike. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 12(1), 61-76.

    Morse, Janice M., and Charlotte Pooler (2002). Analysis of Videotaped Data: Methodological Considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 1(4), 62-67.

    Riddle, D.L., T.L. Albrecht, M.D. Coovert, et al. (2002). Differences in Audiotaped Versus Videotaped Physician-Patient Interactions. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 26(4), 219-239.

    Rosenblum, Katherine L, Charles Zeanah, Susan McDonough, and Maria Muzik (2004). Video-Taped Coding of Working Model of the Child Interviews: a Viable and Useful Alternative to Verbatim Transcripts? Infant Behavior and Development 27(4), 544-549.

    Twine, France Winddance (2006). Visual Ethnography and Racial Theory: Family Photographs as Archives of Interracial Intimacies. Ethnic and Racial Studies 29(3), 487-511.

    van den Brink-Muinen, A, S van Dulmen, V Messerli-Rohrbach, and J Bensing (2002). Do Gender-Dyads Have Different Communication Patterns? a Comparative Study in Western-European General Practices. Patient Education and Counseling 48(3), 253-264.

    Books Also Suggested:

    Pink, Sarah (2007). Doing Visual Ethnography, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

    Banks, Marcus and Jay Ruby, eds. (2011). Made to be Seen: Perspectives on the History of Visual Anthropology. Univ. of Chicago Press.

    Marion, Jonathan and Jerome Crowder Thinking Visually (forthcoming)…we’ll provide chapters to class participants.