Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Course Schedule for 2016

Please note that you must register and log in before you can download readings (there is a Login box on the right side of this page with a register link). Also note that some linked reading files are quite large and may take a minute or two to download in your browser window.




Borgatti, Stephen P. (1994). “Cultural Domain Analysis.” Journal of Quantitative Anthropology 4: 264-278.

Gravlee, Clarence C. et al. (2013). “Mode Effects in Free-list Elicitation : Comparing Oral, Written, and Web-based Data Collection.” Social Science Computer Review 31: 119-132.

Quinlan, Marsha B. (2005). “Considerations for Collecting Freelists in the Field: Examples from Ethobotany.” Field Methods 17: 219-234.

Weller, Susan (2014). “Structured Interviewing and Questionnaire Construction.” In, Bernard, H.R. and Gravlee, C.C. (Eds.) Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers.


Boster, James S. (1987). “Introduction.” American Behavioral Scientist 31: 150-162.

Brewer, Devon D. (2002). “Supplementary Interviewing Techniques to Maximize Output in Free Listing Tasks.” Field Methods 14(1): 108-118.

Casagrande, David G. (2004). “Conceptions of Primary Forest in a Tzeltal Maya Community: Implications for Conservation.” Human Organization 63(2): 189-202.

D’Andrade, Roy G. (1995). The Development of Cognitive Anthropology. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press (pgs. 1-56)

Frake, Charles O. (1961). “The Diagnosis of Disease among the Subanun of Mindanao.” American Anthropologist 63(1): 113-132.

Thompson, Eric C. and Zhang Juan (2006). “Comparative Cultural Salience: Measures Using Free-List Data.” Field Methods 18(4): 398-412.

Monday Morning

  • Overview and course
  • Introduction to software
  • Cultural domains

Monday Afternoon

  • Free lists




Bernard, H. Russell et al. (2009). “Green Cognition and Behavior: A Cultural Domain Analysis.” In Networks, Resources and Economic Action: Ethnographic Case Studies in Honor of Harmut Lang. Greiner, Clemens. and Waltraud Kokot (Eds.) Dietrich Reimer Verlag.

Borgatti, Stephen P. (1998). “Elicitation Techniques for Cultural Domain Analysis.” The Ethnographer’s Toolkit, Vol. 3.. Schensul, J. and M. LeCompte (Eds.) Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press.

Macauda, Mark M. et al. (2011). “A cultural model of infidelity among African American and Puerto Rican young adults.” Anthropology & Medicine 18(3): 351-364.


Gulbas, Lauren E. (2013). “Embodying Racism : Race, Rhinoplasty, and Self-Esteem in Venezuela.” Qualitative Health Research 23(3):326-35.

Hsiao, An-Fu et al. (2006). “Variations in provider conceptions of integrative medicine.” Social Science & Medicine 62: 2973–2987.

Whaley, Arthur L. and Richard A. Longoria (2009). “Preparing Card Sort Data for Multidimensional Scaling Analysis in Social Psychological Research: A Methodological Approach.” The Journal of Social Psychology 149(1): 105-115.

Tuesday Morning

  • Free lists

Tuesday Afternoon

  • Measures of similarity
  • Importing pile sorts
  • Running analysis
  • Interpreting output




Bharmal, Nazleen et al. (2011). “Through Our Eyes: Exploring African-American Men’s Perspective on Factors Affecting Transition to Manhood.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 27(2):153-9.

Boster, James S. et al. (1987). “Social Position and Shared Knowledge: Actors’ Perceptions of Status, Role, and Social Structure.” Social Networks 9: 375-387.

Ross, Norbert et al. (2005). “Triad Tasks, a Multipurpose Tool to Elicit Similarity Judgments: The Case of Tzotzil Maya Plant Taxonomy.” Field Methods 17: 269-282.


Durrenberger, E. Paul and Suzan Erem (2005). “Checking for Relationships across Domains Measured by Triads and Paired Comparisons.” Field Methods 17: 150-169.

Necheles, Jonathan W. et al. (2007). “The Teen Photovoice Project: A Pilot Study to Promote Health Through Advocacy.” Progress in Community Health Partnerships 1(3):221-229.

Nolle, Allyson P. et al. (2012). “Sacrifice for the Sake of the Family: Expressions of Familism by Latina Teens in the Context of Suicide.” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 82(3): 319-327.

Romney, A. Kimball and Roy Goodwin D’Andrade (1964). “Cognitive Aspects of English Kin Terms.” American Anthropologist 66(3): 146–170.

Wednesday Morning

  • Measures of similarity and similarity matrices
  • Pile sorts
  • Triad tests:
  • Paired comparisons
  • Ratings
  • Quadratic assignment procedure (QAP)
  • Multidimensional scaling (MDS) and cluster analysis

Wednesday Afternoon

  • Run MDS on pile sort data
  • Do cluster analysis of pile sort data
  • Identify attributes for paired comparison task
  • Develop a paired comparison questionnaire




Dressler, William W. et al. (2005). “Measuring Cultural Consonance: Examples with Special Reference to Measurement Theory in Anthropology.” Field Methods 17(4): 331-355.

Gravlee, Clarence C. (2005). “Ethnic Classification in Southeastern Puerto Rico: The Cultural Model of “Color”.” Social Forces 83(3): 949-970.

Hruschka, Daniel J. et al. (2008). “When There Is More than One Answer Key: Cultural Theories of Postpartum Hemorrhage in Matlab, Bangladesh.” Field Methods 20(4): 315-337.

Weller, Susan C. (2007). “Cultural Consensus Theory: Applications and Frequently Asked Questions.” Field Methods 19(4): 339-368.


Aunger, Robert (1999). “Against Idealism/Contra Consensus.” Current Anthropology 40(Supp): S93-S101.

Dressler, William W. et al. (2005). “Cultural consonance and arterial blood pressure in urban Brazil.” Social Science & Medicine 61: 527-540.

Dressler, William W. (2001). “Culture and individual adaptation.” Research Report I on project titled “Culture and Individual Adaptation,” funded by the National Science Foundation (BCS-0091903).

Koster, Jeremy (2011). “Interhousehold Meat Sharing among Mayangna and Miskito Horticulturalists in Nicaragua.” Human Nature 22: 394-415.

Weller, Susan C. (1986). “Culture as Consensus: A Theory of Culture and Informant Accuracy.” American Anthropologist 88(2): 313-338.

Romney, A. Kimball (1999). “Culture Consensus as a Statistical Model.” Current Anthropology 40(supp): S103-S115.

Sweet, Elizabeth (2010). ““If your shoes are raggedy you get talked about”: Symbolic and material dimensions of adolescent social status and health.” Social Science & Medicine 70: 2029-2035.

Weller, Susan C. (1984). “Cross-Cultural Concepts of Illness: Variation and Validation.” American Anthropologist 86(2): 341-351.

Thursday Morning

  • Consensus analysis (CCA)
  • Cultural consonance
  • Property fitting (PROFIT)
  • Debrief paired comparison data collection
  • Paired comparison data entry

Thursday Afternoon

  • Paired comparison data import
  • Run PROFIT on motions data
  • Run CCA on several datasets




Doerfel, Marya L. (1998). “What Constitutes Semantic Network Analysis? A Comparison of Research and Methodologies.” Connections 21(2): 16-26.

Nolan, Justin M. and Gery W. Ryan (2000). “Fear and Loathing at the Cineplex: Gender Differences in Descriptions and Perceptions of Slasher Films.” Sex Roles 42(1-2): 39-56.

Schnegg, Michael and H. Russell Bernard (1996). “Words as Actors: A Method for Doing Semantic Network Analysis.” Field Methods 8: 7-10.


Burton, Michael L. and Lorraine Kirk (1979). “Ethnoclassification of Body Parts: A Three-Culture Study.” Anthropological Linguistics 21(8): 379-399.

Fox, Christopher (1987). “A Stop List for General Text.” Lincroft, NJ: AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Jackson, Kristin M. and William M. K. Trochim (2002). “Concept Mapping as an Alternative Approach for the Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Responses.” Organizational Research Methods 5(4): 307-336.

Namey, Emily et al. (2008). “Data Reduction Techniques for Large Qualitative Data Sets.” In Handbook for Team-Based Qualitative Research. Guest, Greg and Kathleen M. MacQueen (Eds.). Lanham, MD: Altamira Press.

Van Holt, Tracy et al. (2012). “Structure of ethnic violence in Sudan: a semi-automated network analysis of online news (2003–2010).” Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 18: 340–355.

Friday Morning

  • Putting it all together
  • Applying the analysis to other kinds of data
  • Semantic and social network analysis
  • Run all procedures on a complete data set

Friday Afternoon

  • Applying these methods to the projects of the workshop participants