Saturday, March 29, 2025

More Readings for 2014

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Asad, Talal (1994). “Ethnographic representation, statistics and modern power.” Social Research 61(1): 55-88.

Greene, Joshua D. and Joseph M. Paxton (2009). “Patterns of neural activity associated with honest and dishonest moral decisions.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106(30): 12506-12511.

Guest, Greg (2000). “Using Guttman Scaling to rank wealth: integrating quantitative and qualitative data.” Field Methods 12(4): 346-357.

Hruschka, Daniel (2009). “Defining cultural competence in context: dyadic norms of friendship among US High School students.” Ethos 37(2): 205-224.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 1. Statistics in Anthropology.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 1-6.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 2. What are Anthropological Data?: In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 7-39.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 9. Introduction to Hypothesis Testing.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 205-225.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 6. The binomial distribution.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 137-160.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 11. Nonparametric statistics: nominal scales.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 261-306.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 7. The normal distribution as a continuous random variable.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 161-180.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 10. The student’s t-distribution.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 227-260.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 12. Non-parametric statistics: ordinal scales.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 307-344.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 14. Correlation coefficients.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 383-438.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 13. Linear regression.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 345-382.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 15. Sampling Problems in Anthropology.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 439-456.

Thomas, DH (1986). “Chapter 16. A Parting Word of Caution.” In: Refiguring Anthropology. Waveland Press. P. 457-458.